
Swoboda ruchów oraz wysoka wydajność.

BN50 Cordless Brad Nailer Video

Check out the video or click the link below to learn more about BN50.

Quick and reliable


The BN50 is a powerful, mobile, cordless brad nailer preferred by professionals. Offering optimal freedom of movement and performance, battery operated brad application lets the user avoid complicated gas-driven solutions, noisy, costly, uncomfortable operation and time consuming maintenance and cleaning.

Powered by an 18 V Li-ion battery, other features include a push-button, fast opening magazine, instant trigger response, fly-wheel drive for high power and reliability and two-step sequential firing for safety. The ideal solution for fitting skirting board, trim and panelling.


Bezprzewodowa wydajność dla profesjonalistów.

BN64 Cordless Brad Nailer Video

Check out the video or click on the link below to learn more about BN64.

Operational efficiency


The BN64 delivers powerful, mobile, cordless performance for professionals seeking a superior brad nailer. Offering optimal freedom of movement and increased access thanks to a 20° angled magazine, the BN64’s battery operated brad application lets the user avoid complicated gas-driven solutions, noisy, costly, uncomfortable operation and time consuming maintenance and cleaning.

Powered by an 18V Li-ion battery, other features include instant trigger response, flywheel drive for high power and reliability and two-step sequential firing for safety. The ideal solution for fitting skirting board, trim, panelling, flooring, walls or indoor roofing material.

Prace konstrukcyjne

Prace konstrukcyjne

Nasze wysoce profesjonalne gwoździe do ram są przeznaczone do pracy w najtrudniejszych warunkach.

Prace dekarskie

Prace dekarskie

Pewność i precyzja przy montażu papy, płyt kartonowo-gipsowych zewnętrznych, materiałów izolacyjnych, włókien cementowych, miękkim drewnie i stali.

Prace wykończeniowe

Prace wykończeniowe

Idealne rozwiązanie do montażu listew przypodłogowych, listew wykończeniowych, boazerii, podłóg, ścian lub wewnętrznych pokryć dachowych.